File Informations and File Toolss

Расширение файлов по алфавиту #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

Пересматривать расширения - J

    Расширения, начинающиеся с буквы J

Пересматривать расширения - J

# Расширение файла Разработчик
0 .J - Java Source Code Oracle
1 .J2B - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Music Epic Games, Inc.
2 .J2C - JPEG2000 Image Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
3 .J2D - Jazz Jackrabbit Data Epic Games, Inc.
4 .J2E - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Episode Epic Games, Inc.
5 .J2I - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Internet Server Link Format Epic Games
6 .J2K - JPEG2000 Code Stream Image Joint Photographic Experts Group
7 .J2L - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Level Format Epic Games
8 .J2SI - Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Internet Server Link Epic Games, Inc.
9 .J2W - ArcExplorer World Esri
10 .J3O - JMonkeyEngine 3D Scene jMonkeyEngine
11 .J6I - Ricoh Digital Camera Image N/A
12 .JA - Jet Archive N3V Games
13 .JAC - JaStaCry Encrypted Format Kai Kretschmann
14 .JACL - IBM WebSphere Server Script IBM
15 .JAD - Java Application Descriptor Format Oracle
16 .JADE - Jade Programming Language Source Code N/A
17 .JAG - Jagex Data Format Jagex
18 .JAI - Jaikoz Settings JThink Ltd
19 .JAM - Leisure Suit Larry Magna Cum Laude Archive Format Sierra Entertainment
20 .JAN - Janome Digitizer Embroidery Object Janome Sewing Machine Co., Ltd.
21 .JAP - Japanese Nintendo 64 Game ROM N/A
22 .JAR - Compressed Archive Format Package For Java Classes And Data Format Oracle
23 .JAR.PACK - Oracle Pack200 Packed JAR Format Oracle
24 .JARDESC - Eclipse JAR Settings The Eclipse Foundation
25 .JARVIS - Jarvis Subscriber Format Jarvis Acting Company
26 .JAS - Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Bitmap Graphics Format Corel Corporation
27 .JASPER - JasperReports Data Format Jaspersoft
28 .JAV - Java Language Source Code Format Oracle
29 .JAVA - Java Language Source Code Format Oracle
30 .JAVAJET - Eclipse JET Java Template The Eclipse Foundation
31 .JAX - Java Executable JAR Oracle Corporation
32 .JB2 - JBIG2 Image Format Joint Bi-level Image Group
33 .JBC - Jam STAPL Byte-Code Format Altera
34 .JBF - Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Image Browser Format Corel
35 .JBG - Image JBIG 1-bit Raster N/A
36 .JBI - Motoman Robot Job Format Motoman
37 .JBIG - JBIG Raster Image Graphics Joint Bi-level Image Group
38 .JBIG2 - JBIG2 Joint Bi-level Image Group
39 .JBK - Juno Backup Format Juno
40 .JBL - Doom Scene Add-on id Software LLC
41 .JBMP - JAmes OS Bitmap Image JAmes OS
42 .JBR - Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Brushes Format Corel
43 .JBT - JAWS Freedom Scientific, Inc.
44 .JC - FlashGet Partial Download Format FlashGet
45 .JC! - FlashGet Incomplete Download Format FlashGet
46 .JCC - Code Crusader Project Data New Planet Software
47 .JCCFG3 - FlashGet Incomplete Download Trend Media Corporation Limited
48 .JCD - FlashGet Saved Trend Media Corporation Limited
49 .JCF - JAWS Configuration Freedom Scientific, Inc.
50 .JCLIC - JClic Project Format JClic
51 .JCM - Java Commerce Message Oracle Corporation
52 .JCP - Jesusonic Preset Format Cockos Incorporated
53 .JCRYPT - JCRYPT Encrypted Format JMasters
54 .JCS - Java Control Source Oracle Corporation
55 .JCSK - JetCast Skin JetAudio Inc.
56 .JCT - JCT
57 .JCZ - Microsoft Liquid Motion Animation Format Microsoft
58 .JDB - Norton Antivirus Definiton Update File Format Symantec
59 .JDC - JDownloader Links Format The JDownloader Team
60 .JDF - Adobe Acrobat Job Definition Format Adobe Systems
61 .JDP - BlackBerry JDE BlackBerry (Research In Motion Limited)
62 .JDW - BlackBerry JDE BlackBerry (Research In Motion Limited)
63 .JDX - JSpell Dictionary Page Scholar Inc.
64 .JEB - PENSIM Output N/A
65 .JED - Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Device Configuration Information Format Xilinx
66 .JEF - Janome Embroidery Layout Format Janome
67 .JETINC - Eclipse IDE Template Fragment The Eclipse Foundation
68 .JEWELQUESTSAVEDGAME - Jewel Quest Saved Game iWin, Inc.
69 .JFD - JAWS Synopsis Freedom Scientific, Inc.
70 .JFF - JAWS Ini Freedom Scientific, Inc.
71 .JFFS2 - Journalling Flash File System 2 Disk Image Various Linux developers
72 .JFI - JPEG File Interchange Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
73 .JFIF - JPEG Interchange Format N/A
74 .JFL - SigmaPlot Systat Software Inc.
75 .JFR - WJVN Fragment Renato Nobili
76 .JFS - Linux/Unix Journaling System N/A
77 .JFX - J2 Fax N/A
78 .JG4 - BigJig Jigsaw Puzzle Format Lena Games
79 .JGCSCS - EditPad Syntax Scheme Just Great Software
80 .JGD - Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Gradients Corel Corporation
81 .JGF - JAWS Ini Freedom Scientific, Inc.
82 .JGP - QWS3270 PLUS Session Parameter Jolly Giant Software Inc.
83 .JGS - QWS3270 PLUS Script Jolly Giant Software Inc.
84 .JGW - JPEG World Format ESRI
85 .JGZ - Gzipped JavaScript Format N/A
86 .JHM - Java Help Mapping Oracle Corporation
87 .JHTML - ATG Dynamo Server Page (Java HTML) N/A
88 .JIA - Digital Photo Navigator Album JVC
89 .JIC - Java Icon Format N/A
90 .JIF - JPEG Interchange Format N/A
91 .JIFF - JPG Bitmap Image N/A
92 .JIG - GameHouse Puzzle Jigsaw Game GameHouse, Inc.
93 .JIGSAW - Jigsaw Explorer Puzzle Format Carolina Road Software
94 .JIGZ - Jiggsaw Puzzle Bitz & Pixelz BV
95 .JIS - Japanese Industry Standard Text Format N/A
96 .JISP - Tkabber Emoticon Set N/A
97 .JIT - Aika Online Texture Gala-Net Inc.
98 .JJ - Doodle C64 Compressed Image Format N/A
99 .JJF - Flash Jester Jugglor Flash Jester
100 .JJJS - Claris Organizer Format Apple, Inc.
101 .JKB - Quake 3 Arena Bot AI id Software LLC
102 .JKL - Jedi Knight LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
103 .JKM - JAWS Ini Configuration Format Freedom Scientific
104 .JKS - Jedi Knight Save LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
105 .JL - Julia Source Code Format Julia
106 .JLB - PAC Mate BX Keyboard Driver N/A
107 .JLC - Byte Compiled Lisp-based Script N/A
108 .JLS - JAWS Freedom Scientific, Inc.
109 .JMA - NSRT Compressed Game N/A
110 .JMD - Corel PaintShop Pro Image Map Settings Corel Corporation
111 .JMF - Java Media Framework Oracle Corporation
112 .JML - Java Modeling Language Specification N/A
113 .JMP - SAS JMP Discovery Chart-to-statistics SAS Institute
114 .JMS - Voxtron TeleButler Interactive Voice Response Call Flow Voxtron N.V.
115 .JMV - Jnes Record Format Jabsoft
116 .JMX - Apache JMeter Apache Software Foundation
117 .JNB - SigmaPlot Workbook Systat Software Inc.
118 .JNG - JPEG Network Graphic Format N/A
119 .JNILIB - Mac OS X Java JNI Library Format Oracle
120 .JNL - Ingres Journal Actian Corporation
121 .JNLP - Java Network Launching Protocol Format Oracle
122 .JNT - Microsoft Windows Journal Note Format Microsoft
123 .JNX - Garmin Raster Map N/A
124 .JO - Jo Audio Format Abadie-jo
125 .JO-7Z - Jo Audio Format Abadie-jo
126 .JOB - Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler Task Object Format Microsoft
127 .JOBOPTIONS - Adobe Acrobat Job Options Format Adobe Systems
128 .JOBS - VirtualDub Job Avery Lee
129 .JOD - Microsoft Jet OLEDB.4.0 Microsoft Corporation
130 .JOE - .joe Editor Document Format Cyril Hicks
131 .JOINED - HJSplit Data Format Freebyte
132 .JOML - JOOB Object Modelling Language Microsoft Corporation
133 .JOMPROJ - Microsoft Visual Studio JOOB Object Model Project Microsoft Corporation
134 .JOR - Microsoft SQL Server Journal Microsoft Corporation
135 .JOT - Jot+ Notes Note Data King Stairs Software
136 .JOURNAL.DOC - SolidWorks Design Journal Template SolidWorks Corporation
137 .JOURNAL_INFO_BLOCK - Apple Mac OS Xsystem Apple, Inc.
138 .JOY - CryENGINE Facial Editor Joystick Settings Format Crytek
139 .JP1 - Japanese (Romaji) Text Format N/A
140 .JP2 - JPEG 2000 Image Format (ISO 15444-1) Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
141 .JP3 - Electric Quilt Electric Quilt
142 .JP4 - Electric Quilt Electric Quilt
143 .JP5 - Electric Quilt Electric Quilt
144 .JPA - Joomla Installation Backup N/A
145 .JPAGE - Eclipse Java Scrapbook Page The Eclipse Foundation
146 .JPB - Publish Manager Report JSoftware
147 .JPC - JPEG2000 Code Stream Image Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
148 .JPD - Joint PhotoDefiner Image Format N/A
149 .JPE - JPEG Bitmap Image Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
150 .JPEG - JPEG Bitmap Image Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
151 .JPEGENX - Egis Encrypted JPEG Egis Technology Inc.
152 .JPEG_160X120 - 160 X 120 Pixels JPEG Image N/A
153 .JPEG_170X220 - 170 X 220 Pixels JPEG Image N/A
154 .JPF - JPEG 2000 Extended Image Format (ISO 15444-2) Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
155 .JPG - JPEG Bitmap Image Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
156 .JPG2 - JPEG 2000 Image Format (ISO 15444-1) Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
157 .JPGENX - Egis Encrypted JPG Egis Technology Inc.
158 .JPGW - JPEG World Format ESRI
159 .JPGX - Egis Encrypted JPG Bitmap Image Egis Technology Inc.
160 .JPG_108X192 - Android Picture N/A
161 .JPG_128X128 - Android Picture N/A
162 .JPG_128X160 - Android Picture N/A
163 .JPG_128X96 - Android Picture N/A
164 .JPG_160X120 - Android Picture N/A
165 .JPG_160X128 - Android Picture N/A
166 .JPG_170X128 - Android Picture N/A
167 .JPG_170X220 - Android Picture N/A
168 .JPG_220X176 - Android Picture N/A
169 .JPG_240X320 - Android Picture Google Inc.
170 .JPG_320X240 - Android Picture N/A
171 .JPG_320X320 - Android Picture N/A
172 .JPG_480X320 - Android Picture N/A
173 .JPG_512X512 - Android Picture Google Inc.
174 .JPG_56X42 - Android Picture N/A
175 .JPG_T - JPEG Image N/A
176 .JPH - JProbe Memory Snapshot Format Quest
177 .JPI - Jupiter Encrypted XML Elfin Sp. z o.o.
178 .JPL - JProbe Settings Quest Software, Inc.
179 .JPM - JPEG 2000 Multi-layer Image Format (ISO 15444-6) N/A
180 .JPN - Windows Japanese Noise-Word List Format Microsoft
181 .JPP - Jigsaw Puzzle Player Puzzle Definition N/A
182 .JPR - Oracle JDeveloper Model Project Embarcadero Technologies
183 .JPS - Stereospic JPEG Format N/A
184 .JPT - Jprobe Threadalyzer Memory Snapshot Quest Software, Inc.
185 .JPW - ESRI JPEG World Format ESRI
186 .JPX - JPEG 2000 Extended Image Format (ISO 15444-2) Format Joint Photographic Experts Group
187 .JPZ - Puzzle Solver Puzzle N/A
188 .JQ3SAVEGAME - Jewel Quest III Saved Game iWin, Inc.
189 .JQX - Microsoft Windows Help Related Microsoft Corporation
190 .JRC - PCjr Cartridge ROM Format N/A
191 .JRF - The Jumbot Bot Level Navigation N/A
192 .JRL - BioWare Aurora Game Engine Journal BioWare
193 .JRPRINT - JasperReports Print Format Jaspersoft
194 .JRS - Extensible Storage Engine (ESE) Reserve Transaction Log Format Microsoft
195 .JRTF - JAmes OS Rich Text Format JAmes OS
196 .JRXML - JasperReports Layout Format Jaspersoft
197 .JRZ - Sony Playstation Portable Game Data Format Sony
198 .JS - JavaScript Format N/A
199 .JSA - JRun Server Application Adobe Systems Incorporated
200 .JSB - JAWS Script Binary Freedom Scientific, Inc.
201 .JSC - JavaScript Config N/A
202 .JSD - Jazer Financial Format Jazer Solutions
203 .JSDA - Jazer Financial Format Jazer Solutions
204 .JSE - JScript Encoded Script Format Microsoft
205 .JSF - Adobe Fireworks Batch Script Adobe
206 .JSFL - Flash JavaScript Format Adobe Systems
207 .JSH - JAWS Script Header Format Freedom Scientific
208 .JSI - JAWS Personalized Settings Freedom Scientific, Inc.
209 .JSK - JetAudio COWON America, Inc.
210 .JSL - Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Shapes Corel Corporation
211 .JSM - JAWS Script Message Freedom Scientific, Inc.
212 .JSML - JSim Model The NSR Physiome Project
213 .JSN - Shield Now Shield JetSoft Co.
214 .JSO - Compressed ISO Image N/A
215 .JSON - JavaScript Object Notation Format N/A
216 .JSONP - JSON-with-padding Source Code N/A
217 .JSP - JAVA Server Page Format Oracle
218 .JSPA - Java Servlet Alias Format N/A
219 .JSPF - Java JSP Fragment Oracle
220 .JSPX - XML Java Server Page N/A
221 .JSR - Job Safety Report Definition N/A
222 .JSS - JAWS Script Source Format JACOsub
223 .JST - Java Server Page Oracle
224 .JSV - Java Structure Viewer Steffen Webe
225 .JSX - Adobe After Effects Script Format Adobe Systems
226 .JSXBIN - Binary JavaScript Format Adobe Systems
227 .JSXINC - ExtendScript Included Script Format Adobe Systems
228 .JT - JT Open CAD Format N/A
229 .JTB - JTB JavaCC Grammar Oracle Corporation
230 .JTBACKUP - Just Type Notes Backup Format Shubham Kedia
231 .JTD - Ichitaro Document Justsystems
232 .JTDC - Ichitaro Compressed Document Justsystems
233 .JTF - JPEG Tagged Interchange Format Image N/A
234 .JTG - Joint Test Action Group Configuration ARM Holdings plc
235 .JTK - Sun Microsystems Java Toolkit Oracle Corporation
236 .JTL - JMeter Test Results Apache Software Foundation
237 .JTP - Microsoft Windows Journal Template Format Microsoft
238 .JTPL - Rational Application Developer WebContent Theme Template IBM
239 .JTS - JVC Cyberlink AVCHD Video Format Cyberlink
240 .JTT - Ichitaro Document Template Justsystems
241 .JTV - JRiver Media Center Recorded TV Format J. River
242 .JTX - Jrju Text Format Microsoft
243 .JUDE - JUDE Project Format N/A
244 .JVS - Web Proxy Autodiscovery Protocol Format N/A
245 .JVSG - Video Surveillance Project JVSG
246 .JVT - JRiver Recorded Video JRiver, Inc.
247 .JW - Microsoft WordPad N/A
248 .JWC - JewelCase Maker Saved NTI Corporation
249 .JWG - Java Oracle Corporation
250 .JWL - Roxio Jewel Case Format Roxio
251 .JWR - LegaSuite GUI J Walk Runtime Rocket Software, Inc.
252 .JWS - Oracle WebLogic Server Java Web Services Format BEA Systems
253 .JXR - JPEG XR Image Microsoft
254 .JZ - JamesZhu Internet Browser Database JamesZhu Inc.