File Informations and File Toolss

Estensioni dei file in ordine alfabetico #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

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# Estensione del file Sviluppatore
0 .A - Unix Static Object Code Library Format N/A
1 .A$V - QuarkXpress Automatically Saved Project Quark, Inc.
2 .A00 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 2) ESTsoft
3 .A01 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 3) ESTsoft
4 .A02 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 4) ESTsoft
5 .A03 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 5) ARJ Software, Inc.
6 .A04 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 6) ARJ Software, Inc.
7 .A05 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 7) ARJ Software, Inc.
8 .A06 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 8) ARJ Software, Inc.
9 .A07 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 9) ARJ Software, Inc.
10 .A08 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 10) ARJ Software, Inc.
11 .A09 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 11) ARJ Software, Inc.
12 .A1 - Free Pascal Archive Free Pascal team
13 .A10 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 12) ARJ Software, Inc.
14 .A11 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 13) ARJ Software, Inc.
15 .A12 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 14) ARJ Software, Inc.
16 .A13 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 15) ARJ Software, Inc.
17 .A14 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 16) ARJ Software, Inc.
18 .A15 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 17) ARJ Software, Inc.
19 .A16 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 18) ARJ Software, Inc.
20 .A17 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 19) ARJ Software, Inc.
21 .A18 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 20) ARJ Software, Inc.
22 .A19 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 21) ARJ Software, Inc.
23 .A1WISH - Audials Wishlist Format RapidSolution Software
24 .A20 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 22) ARJ Software, Inc.
25 .A21 - Soundweb Firmware BSS Audio
26 .A26 - Atari 2600 ROM Image Format N/A
27 .A2A - IBM Voice Type Languages Vocabels IBM
28 .A2B - Adlib Tracker II Instrument Bank Adlib
29 .A2C - Alice Scene Format Carnegie Mellon University
30 .A2DESKTOP - Aston Desktop Desktop Skin Gladiators Software
31 .A2I - Adlib Tracker Instrument Format Adlib
32 .A2L - ASAP2 Description Format ASAM MCD-2MC
33 .A2M - AdLib Tracker 2 Format Adlib
34 .A2MENU - Aston Desktop Start Menu Skin Gladiators Software
35 .A2P - Adlib Tracker Pattern Format Adlib
36 .A2PANEL - Aston Desktop Panel Skin Gladiators Software
37 .A2R - KittyXplorer Encrypted Archive
38 .A2T - Adlib Tracker Tiny Module Format Adlib
39 .A2THEME - Aston 2 Theme Format Gladiators Software
40 .A2W - Alice Program World Format Carnegie Mellon University
41 .A31 - Adobe Authorware Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
42 .A32 - Split Multi-volume ARJ Compressed File Archive (part 34) ARJ Software, Inc.
43 .A3D - Amapi 3D Modeling Eovia
44 .A3G - Photo! 3D Gallery
45 .A3K - Yamaha A3000 Sampler N/A
46 .A3L - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
47 .A3M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
48 .A3P - Alice 3 Project Carnegie Mellon University
49 .A3S - Yamaha A3000 Sample N/A
50 .A3W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
51 .A3X - AccuLoad Settings FMC Technologies, Inc.
52 .A41 - Adobe Authorware Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
53 .A4L - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
54 .A4M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
55 .A4P - Adobe Authorware Package Without Runtime Avanquest Software
56 .A4R - Adobe Authorware Package Course N/A
57 .A4W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Adobe Systems
58 .A51 - Adobe Authorware Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
59 .A52 - Atari 5200 Game Image Format N/A
60 .A5D - Adobe Authorware Model N/A
61 .A5L - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
62 .A5M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
63 .A5P - Adobe Authorware Package Without Runtime N/A
64 .A5R - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime Adobe Systems Incorporated
65 .A5RPT - Alpha Five Project Report Alpha Software, Inc.
66 .A5W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged Format Alpha Software
67 .A5WCMP - Alpha Five Web Publishing Alpha Software, Inc.
68 .A64 - Artist 64 N/A
69 .A65 - Adobe Authorware Library Format Adobe Systems
70 .A66 - µVision Assembler Source ARM Holdings plc
71 .A6D - Adobe Authorware Model N/A
72 .A6L - Adobe Authorware Library N/A
73 .A6M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
74 .A6P - Adobe Authorware Application Format Adobe Systems
75 .A6R - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime N/A
76 .A6W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
77 .A78 - Atari 7800 Image N/A
78 .A7D - Adobe Authorware Model Adobe Systems Incorporated
79 .A7E - Adobe Authorware Packaged Library Adobe Systems Incorporated
80 .A7L - Adobe Authorware Library N/A
81 .A7M - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
82 .A7P - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime Adobe Systems Incorporated
83 .A7R - Adobe Authorware Packaged File Without Runtime Adobe Systems Incorporated
84 .A7W - Adobe Authorware Unpackaged N/A
85 .A86 - A86 Assembly Language Source Code Eric Isaacson Software
86 .A8S - Anim8or Script Format Steven Glanville
87 .AA - Audible Audio Format Audible
88 .AA3 - Sony ATRAC Audio Format Sony
89 .AAA - Sybase SQLAnywhere Temporary Sybase Inc.
90 .AAB - Adobe Authorware Binary Adobe Systems Incorporated
91 .AAC - Advanced Audio Coding Format N/A
92 .AAD - FreeBSD N/A
93 .AAF - Advanced Authoring Format Multimedia Format Avid Technology
94 .AAM - Adobe Authorware Shocked Format Adobe Systems
95 .AAO - Agenda At Once Format Dataland Software
96 .AAP - Apollo Advanced Playlist Heikki Ylinen
97 .AAPKG - ArchestrA IDE Package Invensys plc
98 .AAR - Apache Axis2 Archive Apache Software Foundation
99 .AAS - Adobe Authorware Shocked Packet Adobe Systems Incorporated
100 .AAT - ArcInfo Line Data Esri
101 .AATREND - ActiveFactory Trend Invensys Systems, Inc.
102 .AAUI - Adobe Acrobat UI Settings Format Adobe Systems
103 .AAW - Lavasoft Ad-Aware 2007 Settings Lavasoft
104 .AAWDEF - Ad-Aware Definitions Format Lavasoft
105 .AAX - Audible Enhanced Audio Format Audible
106 .AB - Google Android Debug Bridge Backup Format Google
107 .AB$ - Autodesk AutoCAD Plot Spooling Autodesk, Inc.
108 .AB1 - DNA Electropherogram Format N/A
109 .AB2 - Print Shop Address Book File Broderbund
110 .AB3 - Photoimpact 3 Album Format Ulead Systems
111 .AB4 - AB4 Accounting & Business Data ENIAC Computing
112 .AB6 - ABStat Data AndersonBell Corp
113 .AB65 - Adobe PageMaker Document Adobe Systems Incorporated
114 .AB8 - ABStat Data AndersonBell Corp
115 .ABA - Palm Address Book Archive Format Palm
116 .ABBU - Apple Address Book Archive Format N/A
117 .ABC - Musical Notation Language Format N/A
118 .ABCD - AudioVisual Book Data Format AV Books Publishers
119 .ABCDDB - Apple Address Book Database Apple, Inc.
120 .ABCDG - Apple AddessBook Apple, Inc.
121 .ABCDMR - Apple Address Book Mail Recent Apple, Inc.
122 .ABCDP - Address Book Card Data Apple, Inc.
123 .ABD - The Bat! Mail Processing System RITLabs SRL
124 .ABDATA - Adobe Bridge Data Format Adobe Systems
125 .ABE - Application Boundaries Enforcer N/A
126 .ABF - Adobe Binary Screen Font Format Microsoft
127 .ABG - FIFA World Cup Game Data Beart Electronic Arts, Inc.
128 .ABI - Chromatogram Editor Format N/A
129 .ABICOLLAB - AbiWord Collaborative File Descriptor The AbiSource Community
130 .ABK - Ability Write Backup Format N/A
131 .ABKPRJ - Ashampoo Burning Studio Backup Project Format Ashampoo
132 .ABL - ABEL Hardware Description Language Xilinx, Inc.
133 .ABM - Music Album Format N/A
134 .ABN - Alpha Five Alpha Software, Inc.
135 .ABP - AVS Barcode Profile AVS
136 .ABR - Adobe Photoshop Brush Format Adobe Systems
137 .ABS - Absolute Database Single-file Database Format ComponentAce
138 .ABT - The Arbiter Game Schedule Advanced Business Technology Corporation
139 .ABU - ACT! E-mail Address Book The Sage Group plc
140 .ABW - AbiWord Document Format AbiSource
141 .ABX - Corel WordPerfect Mail Address Book Corel Corporation
142 .ABY - AOL Directory Format AOL
143 .ABZ - Alpha Black Zero Game Playlogic International
144 .AC - AC3D Geometry Format Inivis Limited
145 .AC$ - AutoCAD Undo Info Format Autodesk
146 .AC0 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
147 .AC1 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
148 .AC2 - SPICE AC/frequency Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
149 .AC3 - Dolby Digital Sound Format N/A
150 .AC3D - 3d Format Data Inivis Limited
151 .AC4 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
152 .AC5 - ArtCut 5 Document Format Wentai
153 .AC6 - Artcut Software Graphics Design Format Wentai
154 .AC7 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
155 .AC8 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
156 .AC9 - SPICE AC/frequence Domain Output National Instruments Corporation
157 .ACA - Microsoft Agent Character Format Microsoft
158 .ACA2 - Fontographer FontLab Ltd.
159 .ACAD - AutoCAD Database Autodesk, Inc.
160 .ACB - Adobe Color Book Format Adobe Systems
161 .ACBL - Adobe Color Book Format Adobe Systems
162 .ACC - DR DOS - ViewMax Format FKJ Software
163 .ACCDA - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Add-in Format Microsoft
164 .ACCDB - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Format Microsoft
165 .ACCDC - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Digitally Signed Database Format Microsoft
166 .ACCDE - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Compiled Execute Only Format Microsoft
167 .ACCDP - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Project Microsoft Corporation
168 .ACCDR - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Runtime Mode Database Format Microsoft
169 .ACCDT - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Template Format Microsoft
170 .ACCDU - Microsoft Access 2007/2010 Database Wizard Format Microsoft
171 .ACCDW - Microsoft Access Link Format Microsoft
172 .ACCESS - Java Access Control Oracle Corporation
173 .ACCESSOR - Microsoft Visual Studio Accessor Microsoft Corporation
174 .ACCFL - Microsoft Access Field Template Microsoft Corporation
175 .ACCFT - Microsoft Access Template Format Microsoft
176 .ACCOUNTPICTURE-MS - Microsoft Windows 8 Account Picture Format Microsoft
177 .ACCT - IBM AIX System IBM
178 .ACD - Sonic Foundry ACID Audio Format Sony
179 .ACD-BAK - Sony ACID Project Backup Format Sony
180 .ACD-ZIP - Sony ACID Compressed Project Format Sony
181 .ACE - WinACE Compressed Ace Archive Format WinAce
182 .ACF - Microsoft Agent HTTP Character Format Valve
183 .ACFM - Adobe Composite Font Metrics Format Adobe Systems
184 .ACG - Age Of Wonders Saved Game Bolide Software
185 .ACGD - ACG System Predictive Model Johns Hopkins University
186 .ACGI - ACGI Script (WWW) N/A
187 .ACGL - ACG System Licence Johns Hopkins University
188 .ACH - Medlin Payroll Software Automated Clearing House Medlin Accounting
189 .ACI - ACI Development Appraisal ACI
190 .ACK - Swifty N/A
191 .ACL - Microsoft Office Automatic Correction List Microsoft
192 .ACLOCK - Amazing Clock
193 .ACM - ACM Compressed Sound Format BioWare
194 .ACMD - Apache Commander Project Zecos Software
195 .ACO - Adobe Photoshop Color Palette And Swatches Format Adobe Systems
196 .ACORN - Acorn Draw Format Flying Meat
197 .ACP - Alfresco Exported Repository Format Alfresco Software
198 .ACQ - AcqURL Bookmark Manager GT Technologies
199 .ACR - Bitmap Graphics American College of Radiology
200 .ACROBATSECURITYSETTINGS - Adobe Acrobat Security Settings Format Adobe Systems
201 .ACRODATA - Adobe Acrobat Data Format Adobe Systems
202 .ACROPLUGIN - Adobe Acrobat Plug-in Format Adobe Systems
203 .ACRS - Adobe Authorware Adobe Systems Incorporated
204 .ACRYPT - AutoCrypt Encrypted Document Tension Software
205 .ACS - Microsoft Agent Character Structured Storage Format Microsoft
206 .ACS2 - AIMP Media Player Skin AIMP DevTeam
207 .ACS3 - AIMP Skin Package AIMP DevTeam
208 .ACSM - Adobe Content Server Message Format Adobe Systems
209 .ACT - Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator Color Table N/A
210 .ACT! - ACT! The Sage Group plc
211 .ACTION - Mac OS X Automator Action Format Apple
212 .ACTIONS - Photoline 4 Defaults Impressum
213 .ACTIONSCRIPTPROPERTIES - Adobe Flex Settings Adobe Systems Incorporated
214 .ACTIVITYDIAGRAM - Microsoft Visual Studio Activity Diagram Microsoft Corporation
215 .ACTM - Autodesk AutoCAD Action Macro Format Autodesk
216 .ACTPROJ - Microsoft Visual Studio Visual SourceSafe ACT Project Microsoft Corporation
217 .ACTX - DS Game Maker Action Description Format Invisionsoft
218 .ACU - Machine Independent COBOL Object Micro Focus International plc
219 .ACV - Adobe Photoshop Colour Curves Format Adobe Systems
220 .ACW - Microsoft Accessibility Wizard Format Microsoft
221 .ACX - Atari ST Program Format Atari
222 .AD - After Dark Screen Saver Format Berkeley Systems
223 .AD1 - Forensic Toolkit FTK Imager Image AccessData Group, LLC.
224 .AD3E - Adobe Dimensions Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
225 .AD65 - PageMaker 6.5 Adobe Systems Incorporated
226 .ADA - ADA Language Source Code Format N/A
227 .ADADOWNLOAD - Adobe Download Assistant Partially Completed Download Adobe Systems Incorporated
228 .ADB - Ability Database Database Format Alpha Software
229 .ADBA - AIMSS Author Project Configuration Raytheon Company
230 .ADBLOCK - Alpha Five Temporary Alpha Software, Inc.
231 .ADC - Lingvo Dictionary Format Steffen Gutmann
232 .ADCP - Adobe Device Centra Project Adobe Systems
233 .ADD - Microsoft Dynamics AX Developer Documentation Format Microsoft
234 .ADDIN - Microsoft Visual Studio Addin Format Microsoft
235 .ADDON - CFS Console Add-on Format Zaplots
236 .ADDR - Metin2 Data Ymir Entertainment Co., Ltd.
237 .ADE - Microsoft Access Compiled Project Format Microsoft
238 .ADF - ArcView ARC/INFO Coverage Data Format ESRI
239 .ADG - Ableton Live Device Group Format Ableton
240 .ADH - Audible Manager, Inc.
241 .ADI - Active@ Disk Image Format Active@ Data Recovery Software
242 .ADIUMEMOTICON - Adium Dock Icon The Adium Team
243 .ADIUMEMOTICONSET - Adium Emoticon Set The Adium Team
244 .ADIUMHTMLLOG - Adium HTML Log The Adium Team
245 .ADIUMICON - Adium Icon The Adium Team
246 .ADIUMLIBPURPLEPLUGIN - Adium Lib Purple Plugin The Adium Team
247 .ADIUMLISTLAYOUT - Adium List Layout The Adium Team
248 .ADIUMLISTTHEME - Adium List Theme The Adium Team
249 .ADIUMLOG - Adium Log The Adium Team
250 .ADIUMMENUBARICONS - Adium Menu Bar Icon The Adium Team
251 .ADIUMMESSAGESTYLE - Adium Message Style The Adium Team
252 .ADIUMPLUGIN - Adium Plugin The Adium Team
253 .ADIUMSCRIPTS - Adium AppleScripts The Adium Team
254 .ADIUMSERVICEICONS - Adium Service Icons The Adium Team
255 .ADIUMSOUNDSET - Adium Sound Set The Adium Team
256 .ADIUMSTATUSICONS - Adium Status Icon The Adium Team
257 .ADJ - LISCAD Adjustment LISTECH
258 .ADJUSTMENTPRESETS - Apple Aperture Preset Apple, Inc.
259 .ADK - OS/2 Saved SKF Format IBM
260 .ADL - ADONIS Models And Model Groups Export BOC Information Technologies Consulting AG
261 .ADLS - ADL Workbench openEHR
262 .ADM - Administrator Policy Template Format N/A
263 .ADML - Microsoft Administrative Language-specific XML Template Format Microsoft
264 .ADMX - Microsoft Administrative XML Template Format Microsoft
265 .ADN - Microsoft Access Blank Project Template Microsoft
266 .ADO - Adobe Photoshop Duotone Format Adobe Systems
267 .ADOBEBRIDGE - Adobe Bridge Adobe Systems Incorporated
268 .ADOBENET - Adobe Production Studio Adobe Systems Incorporated
269 .ADOC - Authentica Secure Office Encoded Word Document N/A
270 .ADOS - Compound Document ADOS Corporation
271 .ADOX - ActivDox Document Format ActivDox
272 .ADP - Microsoft Access Project Format Microsoft
273 .ADPP - Adobe Device Central Package Profile Adobe Systems
274 .ADR - Opera Bookmarks Format N/A
275 .ADRG - ARC Digitized Raster Graphics Global Mapper Software LLC
276 .ADS - Ada Package Specification N/A
277 .ADSK - Autodesk Exchange Autodesk, Inc.
278 .ADSM - Advanced Split Machine Split Nikolas Ehrenberg
279 .ADT - Lingvo Dictionary Format Sage Software
280 .ADTG - Advanced Data TableGram N/A
281 .ADTS - Audio Data Transport Stream N/A
282 .ADU - Dictionary Format Addictive Software
283 .ADV - Nortek Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter Format Nortek
284 .ADVS - Adobe Device Central Format Adobe Systems
285 .ADW - Tamil Transliterater/font Converter Dr. K. Srinivasan
286 .ADX - Approach Database Index Format N/A
287 .ADZ - Amiga Emulator Compressed ADF Format N/A
288 .AD_ASM - Alibre Design CAD Alibre Inc.
289 .AD_PRT - Alibre Design CAD Alibre Inc.
290 .AE0 - NetBSD Ethernet Configuration NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
291 .AE1 - FileMaker Pro Runtime Database FileMaker, Inc.
292 .AEA - Ae Timer Alarm Document Format Google
293 .AEB - Alphacam Wire EDM VB Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
294 .AEC - DataCAD Drawing Format MAXON
295 .AED - Alphacam Wire EDM Drawing Planit Solutions Inc.
296 .AEE - ASUS Data Security Manager Encoded ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
297 .AEF - ELECTRICAL Designer Related ACERI, S. A.
298 .AEH - IPer Advanced Embedded Hypertext Visual Vision
299 .AEM - Alphacam Wire EDM Parameter Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
300 .AEP - Adobe After Effects Project Format Adobe Systems
301 .AEPKEY - Advanced Encryption Package Key Format InterCrypto
302 .AEPX - Adobe After Effects XML Project Format Adobe Systems
303 .AER - Adobe Atmosphere Adobe Systems Incorporated
304 .AES - AES Crypt Encrypted Format Packetizer
305 .AET - Adobe After Effects Template Format Adobe Systems
306 .AETX - Adobe After Effects Format Adobe Systems
307 .AEU - Microsoft AutoRoute Express Europe Route Microsoft Corporation
308 .AEX - Greetings Card Format Alpha Software
309 .AEXPK - PGP Armored Extracted Public Key PGP Corporation
310 .AF - 3DPlus Model Serif Europe Ltd.
311 .AF2 - Micrografx FlowCharter 2.0 Flowchart Format iGrafx
312 .AF3 - Micrografx FlowCharter Flowchart Format iGrafx
313 .AFA - Astrotite Compressed Data Fantiusen Software
314 .AFB - Alphacam Flame VB Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
315 .AFC - Compressed Audio Interchange Format Format N/A
316 .AFD - Alphacam Flame Drawing Format Planit
317 .AFE - Avid Media Metadata Format Avid Technology
318 .AFF - Advanced Forensics Format Disk Image Basis Technology
319 .AFG - Tablet Assembly JHI Plant Bioinformatics Group
320 .AFL - XMap Related DeLorme
321 .AFM - Adobe Font Metrics Format N/A
322 .AFN - ArtCAM Font Delcam plc
323 .AFO - Advanced File Organizer Catalog SoftPrime Development
324 .AFO-XVID - Compressed Video N/A
325 .AFP - FileProtector Encrypted Format AndrosaSoft
326 .AFPLOC - Apple Mac OS X Filing Protocol Location Format Apple
327 .AFPP - Mac Apple Share N/A
328 .AFR - FreeBSD N/A
329 .AFS - Project Format Bentley Systems
330 .AFS3 - AFS 3 Basic Encrypted Osborn Software
331 .AFT - Family Tree Data Format
332 .AFW - Micrografx FlowCharter Work Area iGrafx, LCC.
333 .AFX - Auto F/X Image Format Auto FX Software
334 .AFZ - Family Tree Backup Inc.
335 .AG - Applix Graphics IBM
336 .AG4 - Microsoft Access G4 Microsoft Corporation
337 .AGA - ArcGIS ArcGlobe Esri
338 .AGB - Nintendo Game Boy Advance ROM Image N/A
339 .AGC - Compiled Script John Bridges
340 .AGD - Agile Advantage Format AgileGraph
341 .AGD1 - Adobe FreeHand For Mac Drawing Adobe Systems Incorporated
342 .AGD2 - Adobe FreeHand 7 For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
343 .AGDB - ANSYS DesignSpace ANSYS Inc.
344 .AGE3REC - Age Of Empires III Recorded Game Microsoft Studios
345 .AGE3SAV - Age Of Empires III Save Game Microsoft Studios
346 .AGE3SCN - Age Of Empires III Scenario Format Microsoft
347 .AGE3XREC - Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Recorded Microsoft Studios
348 .AGE3XSAV - Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Save Game Microsoft Studios
349 .AGE3XSCN - Age Of Empires III: The WarChiefs Scenario Microsoft Studios
350 .AGE3YREC - Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Recorded Game Microsoft Studios
351 .AGE3YSAV - Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Save Game Microsoft Studios
352 .AGE3YSCN - Age Of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties Scenario Microsoft Studios
353 .AGENT - Forte Agent And FreeAgent Data Forté Inc.
354 .AGEO - Dream Aquarium Fish Model Dream Aquarium
355 .AGF - Atlas GIS Native Binary Geodataset Esri
356 .AGG - AggFlow Plant Flow Analysis BedRock Software Inc.
357 .AGGR - Adobe Captivate Aggregator Format Adobe Systems
358 .AGI - Asterisk Gateway Interface Format Digium
359 .AGIF - Active GIF Creator Project Format Image Tools Group
360 .AGILEKEYCHAIN - 1Password Data AgileBits Inc.
361 .AGL - ArgusLab Molecular Graphics Modelling Planaria Software LLC.
362 .AGLDEI - Adobe GoLive Template Adobe Systems Incorporated
363 .AGLS - Adobe GoLive Snippet Adobe Systems Incorporated
364 .AGLSL - Adobe GoLive Site Adobe Systems Incorporated
365 .AGM - Audio Format DTS
366 .AGMODULE - Adobe Lightroom Module Adobe Systems Incorporated
367 .AGO - Autolog Script Soft Machines
368 .AGP - ArtGem Project Format RL Vision
369 .AGPREFS - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preferences Adobe Systems Incorporated
370 .AGR - Ableton Live Groove Format Ableton
371 .AGS - AfterGRASP Script John Bridges
372 .AGTEMPLATE - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Preset Adobe Systems Incorporated
373 .AGTOOLKIT - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Adobe Systems Incorporated
374 .AGV - ArcGlobe Video Metadata Esri
375 .AGW - Aspen Graphics Aspen Research Group Ltd.
376 .AGWL - Abstract Grid Workflow Language Distributed and Parallel Systems - University of Innsbruck
377 .AGX - Rational XDE IBM
378 .AGX1 - Adobe FreeHand For Mac Extension Adobe Systems Incorporated
379 .AGZ - AggFlow Aggregate Plant Flow Diagram BedRock Software Inc.
380 .AH - FreeBSD The FreeBSD Foundation
381 .AHB - AIM High Briefcase Report Cosby Clifton Computer Consultants Ltd
382 .AHC - Resident Evil 4 Capcom Co., Ltd.
383 .AHD - Microsoft Dynamics AX On-line Help Data Format Microsoft
384 .AHF - Aces High Film N/A
385 .AHI - Microsoft Dynamics AX Online Help Index Format Microsoft
386 .AHK - AutoHotkey Script Format AutoHotkey
387 .AHL - EMule Metadata Format eMule
388 .AHOD - Homeworld Relic Entertainment Inc.
389 .AHP - AutoCAD Help Autodesk, Inc.
390 .AHS - Adobe Photoshop Halftone Screens Format Adobe Systems
391 .AHTM - HTML N/A
393 .AHU - Adobe Photoshop Hue Saturation Lightness Format Adobe Systems
394 .AHX - WinAHX Tracker Module Format N/A
395 .AI - Adobe Illustrator Graphics Format Adobe Systems
396 .AI3 - Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Format Adobe Systems Incorporated
397 .AI4 - Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Adobe Systems Incorporated
398 .AI5 - Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Adobe Systems Incorporated
399 .AI6 - Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Adobe Systems Incorporated
400 .AI65 - Adobe PageMaker For Mac Extension Adobe Systems Incorporated
401 .AI7 - Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Adobe Systems Incorporated
402 .AI8 - Generic Encapsulated PostScript Graphic Format Adobe Systems Incorporated
403 .AIA - Adobe Illustrator Action Format Adobe Systems
404 .AIC - Advanced Image Coding Format N/A
405 .AID - Star Trek Armada Arficicial Intelligence Parameters Activision
406 .AIDL - AIDL Interface Google Inc.
407 .AIF - Audio Interchange File Format Sound Format Apple
408 .AIFB - AIF Builder Project Format Symbian
409 .AIFC - Audio Interchange File Format Sound File With Compression N/A
410 .AIFF - Audio Interchange File Format Apple
411 .AIFR - Audio Interchange File Format N/A
412 .AIG - Architecture Drawing MCS Investments, Inc.
413 .AIH - Attribute Index Esri
414 .AIJ - Oracle After-Image Journal Oracle Corporation
415 .AIL - AutoImager Mystik Media
416 .AIM - AIMMS ASCII Model Format Paragon Decision Technology
417 .AIMPPL - AIMP Media Player Playlist Format AIMP DevTeam
418 .AIN - ArcView Attribute Index Format Valve
419 .AIO - Bitmap N/A
420 .AIP - Adobe Illustrator Plugin Format Adobe Systems
421 .AIR - Adobe AIR Rich Internet Applications Adobe Systems
422 .AIRAPPLICATION - Adobe AIR Application Adobe Systems Incorporated
423 .AIRI - Adobe AIR Intermediate Adobe Systems Incorporated
424 .AIRPORT - RealFlight Simulator Knife Edge Software
425 .AIRPORTS - RealFlight Airports Data Knife Edge Software
426 .AIS - ACDSee Album Image Sequence Format ACD Systems
427 .AIT - Adobe Illustrator Template Format Adobe Systems
428 .AIU - Advanced Installer Updates Configuration Format Caphyon
429 .AIV - AIVault Data Format EllaZ Systems
430 .AIW - Formula One 2001 Game Sony Corporation
432 .AJA - Backup Revision Control Archive AJC Systems Ltd.
433 .AJB - Alphacam Water Jet VB Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
434 .AJD - Alphacam Water Jet Drawing Planit Solutions Inc.
435 .AJG - AJC Grep Project AJC Systems Ltd.
436 .AJL - CA ARCserve Backup Journal CA Technologies
437 .AJM - Alphacam Water Jet Parameter Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
438 .AJP - AJP Player Video Format N/A
439 .AKAI - Akai S-series Floppy Disk Image N/A
440 .AKF - Adobe Acrobat Key Adobe Systems Incorporated
441 .AKM - Aksharamala Keymap Binary Srinivas Annam
442 .AKP - Akai S5000, S6000 Program Format N/A
443 .AKS - Aksharamala Keymap Binary Srinivas Annam
444 .AKT - Aksharamala Keymap Source Srinivas Annam
445 .AKW - Adobe RoboHelp Help Project Index Designer Adobe Systems Incorporated
446 .AL - A-Law Compressed Sound Format N/A
447 .AL3 - Electronic Data Interchange ACORD
448 .AL8 - AAA Logo Project SWGSoft Inc.
449 .ALA - Alan Interactive Fiction Language Michael Arnaud
450 .ALAC - Apple Lossless Audio Codec Audio Format Apple
451 .ALARMZ - Alarmz Alarm Francis Gagné
452 .ALAW - A-Law Compressed Sound Format N/A
453 .ALB - Alpha Five Data Dictionary Alpha Software
454 .ALB3 - Adobe PageMaker Document Adobe Systems Incorporated
455 .ALB4 - Adobe PageMaker For Mac Document Adobe Systems Incorporated
456 .ALB5 - Adobe PageMaker 5 Document Adobe Systems Incorporated
457 .ALB6 - Adobe PageMaker For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
458 .ALBM - Photo Album Format HP
459 .ALBUM - Thumbnail Cache N/A
460 .ALC - Visual MP3 Embedded Dynamic Lyrics Ableton
461 .ALC4 - Adobe PageMaker For Mac Dictionary Adobe Systems Incorporated
462 .ALCO - URL Manager Pro Alco Blom
463 .ALD - Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Label Data Format Microsoft
464 .ALD2 - Adobe PageMaker For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
465 .ALD3 - Adobe PageMaker 3 For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
466 .ALD4 - Adobe Pagemaker 4 For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
467 .ALD5 - Adobe PageMaker 6 For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
468 .ALD6 - Adobe PageMaker 6 For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
469 .ALDF - Aldefaer Data Stichting Aldfaer
470 .ALE - Avid Log File Format Avid Technology
471 .ALF - ACT! Lookup Format The Sage Group
472 .ALF6 - PageMaker Default Adobe Systems Incorporated
473 .ALG - ER Mapper Algorithm ERDAS, Inc.
474 .ALH5 - Adobe PageMaker Add-in Adobe Systems Incorporated
475 .ALI - BlackBerry Application Loader Format Microsoft
476 .ALIAS - Alias Image N/A
477 .ALIASES - LabVIEW IP Adresses Map National Instruments Corporation
478 .ALL - Cubasis Project Format Steinberg
479 .ALLOW - Linux Access Various Linux developers
480 .ALM - Alpha Five Database Information Alpha Software, Inc.
481 .ALMB - Mac OS 8.1 Action Module Data N/A
482 .ALMN - Location Manager Module Apple, Inc.
483 .ALN - LexNavigator Database Update UltraTech Group
484 .ALO - Star Wars: Empire At War Game LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC
485 .ALP - Ableton Live Pack Format Ableton
486 .ALR - ADRIFT Language Resource Format Campbell Wild
487 .ALS - Ableton Live Project Format Ableton
488 .ALT - Microsoft Dynamics AX Temporary Format Microsoft
489 .ALT3 - Adobe PageMaker Template Adobe Systems Incorporated
490 .ALT4 - Adobe PageMaker For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
491 .ALT5 - Adobe Pagemaker 5 For Mac Document N/A
492 .ALT6 - Adobe PageMaker 6 Adobe Systems Incorporated
493 .ALTH - QuickHelp For Mac Excel Software
494 .ALTP - QuickHelp Excel Software
495 .ALTQ - QuickView Settings N/A
496 .ALTV - QuickView Help N/A
497 .ALV - Adobe Photoshop Levels Format Adobe Systems
498 .ALW - A-law G.711 European Telephony Format N/A
499 .ALX - BlackBerry Application Loader Format Microsoft
500 .ALY - Sage ACT! The Sage Group plc
501 .ALZ - ALZip Compressed Format ESTsoft
502 .AM - GLPK Automake/autoconf Makefile Definitions Format Automake
503 .AM1 - Adventure Maker Project Format The Adventure Maker Team
504 .AM2 - AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.2 Data Indigo Rose Corporation
505 .AM3 - AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.3 Data Indigo Rose Corporation
506 .AM4 - AutoPlay Menu Studio Version 4 Project Format Indigo Rose
507 .AM5 - AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.5 Data Format Indigo Rose
508 .AM6 - AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.6 Data Format Indigo Rose
509 .AM7 - AutoPlay Menu Studio Ver.7 Data Format Indigo Rose
510 .AMA - ArcGIS ArcMap Esri
511 .AMAYA - Amaya W3C
512 .AMB - Alphacam 3D Mill Or 2D Mill VB Macro Format Bolide Software
513 .AMC - Ant Movie Catalog Format N/A
514 .AMD - Alphacam 3D Mill, 2D Mill Drawing Planit Solutions Inc.
515 .AME - ACT! E-mail System Library The Sage Group plc
516 .AMF - DSMIA/Asylum Module Music Format N/A
517 .AMFM - Adobe Multiple Font Metrics Format Adobe Systems
518 .AMI - Amica Paint N/A
519 .AMIPRO - Ami Pro Table Structure N/A
520 .AMJ - AceMoney MechCAD
521 .AMK - AceMoney Backup MechCAD
522 .AML - Microsoft Assistance Markup Language Microsoft
523 .AMM - Abbyy Format ABBYY
524 .AMO - AIM AOL Instant Messenger UI Extension AOL Inc.
525 .AMODEL - ActiveModeler Project KAISHA-Tec Co. Ltd
526 .AMOS - AMOS Basic Code IBM
527 .AMP - Adobe Photoshop Arbitrary Map Settings Format Adobe Systems
528 .AMR - Adaptive Multi-Rate Compressed Audio Format N/A
529 .AMS - Velvet Studio Module Format N/A
530 .AMSM - Atomic Mail Sender Project AtomPark Software Inc.
531 .AMSORM - OnLine Ringman Format Xcira
532 .AMST - Atomic Mail Sender Template AtomPark Software Inc.
533 .AMT - ABBYY Finereader 5.0 Pro N/A
534 .AMT50 - BERNINA V5.0 Embroidery Software Template N/A
535 .AMT60 - BERNINA V6.0 Embroidery Software Template N/A
536 .AMU - Sony PictureGear Studio Photo Album Format Sony
537 .AMV - AMV Video File Format N/A
538 .AMW - Alcorn McBride Show Controller Alcorn McBride, Inc.
539 .AMX - Adobe Motion Exchange Format Adobe Systems
540 .AMXD - Max For Live Project Format Ableton
541 .AMXX - AMX Mod X Plug-in Format N/A
542 .AMZ - Amazon MP3 Downloader Format Amazon
543 .AN - Adobe Edge Animate Project Format Adobe Systems
544 .AN1 - DeLorme Street Atlas Drawing Format DeLorme
545 .AN2 - Croc Animation Format Argonaut Software
546 .AN8 - Anim8or 3D Animation Format Steven Glanville
547 .ANA - Analysis For Windows Cuylaerts Engineering
548 .ANAT - XNBC Network Anatomy N/A
549 .ANC - Alphacam NC Program Planit Solutions Inc.
550 .ANDROID - Readme N/A
551 .ANE - Adobe AIR Native Extension Format Adobe Systems
552 .ANF - ANSYS DesignModeler ANSYS Inc.
553 .ANG - AIMSUN NG Related TSS-Transport Simulation Systems
554 .ANH - ActivTrak Net View History Birch Grove Software, Inc.
555 .ANI - Animated Cursor Microsoft
556 .ANIM - Amiga Animation Format Cloanto Italia srl
557 .ANIMSET - FaceFX Animation Set Format OC3 Entertainment
558 .ANIMSET_INGAME - FaceFX In-Game Animation Set Format OC3 Entertainment
559 .ANISO - Chemical Crystallography Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, Oxford
560 .ANJUTA - Anjuta DevStudio Project Format The GNOME Project
561 .ANKI - Anki Deck Damien Elmes
562 .ANL - Project Analyzer Saved Analysis Aivosto Oy
563 .ANM - 3D Animation Format N/A
564 .ANME - Anime Studio Project Format Smith Micro
565 .ANN - Microsoft Windows Help Annotation Format N/A
566 .ANNOT - Adobe Digital Editions Annotations Format Adobe Systems
567 .ANR - DeLorme Street Atlas Route DeLorme
568 .ANS - ANSI Text File (ANSI Art) N/A
569 .ANSR - AnswerTool Answer Document DTLink LLC
570 .ANSYM - Adobe Edge Animate Library Format Adobe Systems
571 .ANT - CalcAnt Saved Calculation SFR GmbH
572 .ANTIFRAG - DC++ Incomplete Download N/A
573 .ANTISPAM5 - Personal AntiSpam Settings Format Intego
574 .ANTMPL - Adobe Edge Animate Template Adobe Systems Incorporated
575 .ANV - AirNav Image N/A
576 .ANX - HotDocs Answer Format HotDocs
577 .ANY - AnyRail Layout Plan Format DRail Modelspoor Software
578 .ANYDVDHD - AnyDVD Registration Key SlySoft
579 .AO - ActionOutline Data Green Parrots Software
580 .AOB - DVD Audio Object Format N/A
581 .AOD - Microsoft Dynamics AX Object Data Format Microsoft
582 .AOF - Artlantis Object Format Abvent Group
583 .AOI - AOI Scene Format Peter Eastman
584 .AOIS - CFS Console Add-on Installer Settings Format Zaplots
585 .AOL - America On-line Related Format AOL
586 .AOM - Adobe After Effects Output Settings Format Adobe Systems
587 .AOP - JBoss AS JAR Archive Red Hat, Inc.
588 .AOS - Archos Signed Encrypted Data Format ARCHOS
589 .AOT - ZenWorks SnAppShot Application Binary Object Template N/A
590 .AP - Fifth Generation Systems Active Page Format Fifth Generation Systems
591 .AP0 - Microsoft Windows APW_data Microsoft Corporation
592 .AP2 - ActivInspire Resource Pack Promethean World plc
593 .AP3 - Asprova Project Asprova Corporation
594 .AP? - LoseThos C+ Source Terry A. Davis
595 .APA - RSView Application Manager Archive Rockwell Automation
596 .APALBUM - Apple Aperture Album Format Apple
597 .APB - Alphacam Punch VB Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
598 .APC - AiroPeek Wireless Trace Capture WILDPACKETS, INC.
599 .APCDOC - Ashampoo Photo Commander Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
600 .APD - ACDSee Photo Document ACD Systems
601 .APDB - Apple Aperture Library Apple, Inc.
602 .APDETECTED - Apple IPhoto Apple, Inc.
603 .APDISK - Apple Mac OS X Related Apple, Inc.
604 .APE - Winamp Plug-ins AVS Format Nullsoft
605 .APERTUREEDIT - Apple Aperture Apple, Inc.
606 .APERTUREEXPORT - Apple Aperture Apple, Inc.
607 .APEX - AVM Sample Studio Bank N/A
608 .APF - Adobe Acrobat Profile Format Adobe Systems
609 .APFACENAME - Apple IPhoto Face Data Apple, Inc.
610 .APG - APGen Script N/A
611 .APH - Ability Photoalbum Album Database Format Ability Plus Software
612 .API - Adobe Acrobat Plugin Format Adobe Systems
613 .APIN - Adobe InDesign Import/export Filter Adobe Systems Incorporated
614 .API_FILTERS - Eclipse API Settings The Eclipse Foundation
615 .APJ - AutoCAD Project Autodesk, Inc.
616 .APK - Google Android Package Format Google
617 .APL - ArcPad Layer Format ESRI
618 .APLG - Audials One Add-on Format RapidSolution Software
619 .APLIBRARY - Aperture Pictures Library Database Format Apple
620 .APLMODEL - Apple ICal Apple, Inc.
621 .APLN - Adobe InDesign 3rd Party Extension Adobe Systems Incorporated
622 .APLP - Audials One Add-on Installation Package Format RapidSolution Software
623 .APLT - Mac OS X AppleScript Applet Apple, Inc.
624 .APM - Aldus Placeable Metafile Adobe Systems
625 .APNG - Animated Portable Network Graphics Format N/A
626 .APNX - Amazon Kindle Index Format Amazon
627 .APO - Abacre Paperless Office Abacre Limited
628 .APP - MAC Application Package Or Core System Service Format Apple
629 .APP-SE - Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 N/A
630 .APPCACHE - HTML5 Cache Manifest N/A
631 .APPDATA - VMWare Cache VMware, Inc.
632 .APPDOWNLOAD - Mac OS X App Store Incomplete Download Format Apple
633 .APPICON - VMWare Cache VMware, Inc.
634 .APPLE - Apple AppleSingle Data N/A
635 .APPLEDOUBLE - Apple AppleDouble Resource Apple, Inc.
636 .APPLESCRIPT - AppleScript Script Format Apple
637 .APPLESYNCINFO - IOS Apple, Inc.
638 .APPLET - Eclipse IDE For Java Developers Format Eclipse
639 .APPLETVIEWER - Java Appletviewer Oracle Corporation
640 .APPLE_PARTITION_MAP - Apple Partition Scheme Apple, Inc.
641 .APPLICATION - ClickOnce Deployment Manifest Format Microsoft
642 .APPREF-MS - Application Reference Format Microsoft
643 .APPUP - Erlang Application Upgrade Format Erlang
644 .APPV - App-V Archive Microsoft Corporation
645 .APPX - Microsoft AppX Application Package Format Microsoft
646 .APPXMANIFEST - Windows Store App Source Manifest N/A
647 .APPXSYM - Microsoft Visual Studio Windows 8 Application Information Format Microsoft
648 .APPXUPLOAD - Microsoft Visual Studio Windows 8 Application Upload Format Microsoft
649 .APR - ArcView Project Format ESRI
650 .APREF-MS - Application Reference Microsoft Corporation
651 .APRJ - ApacheConf Project Zecos Software
652 .APS - Microsoft Visual C++ Binary Version Of Resource Format Microsoft
653 .APSMARTALBUM - Apple Aperture Apple, Inc.
654 .APT - Almost Plain Text Format N/A
655 .APU - Audacity Audio Audacity
656 .APV - Acerose Password Dexadine, Inc.
657 .APVAULT - Apple Aperture Vault Apple, Inc.
658 .APW - Password RomanLab Co. Ltd.
659 .APX - Borland C++ Appexpert Database Format Embarcadero Technologies
660 .APXL - Apple Keynote Presentation XML Document Settings Format Apple
661 .APXT - DataLink Setting Apperson Education Products
662 .APZ - AMS Shared Project Format Indigo Rose
663 .AP_ - Google Android Development Resources Package Format Google
664 .AQ - Ancestral Quest Genealogy Incline Software, LC
665 .AQ1 - AptiQuiz Test RJ Software
666 .AQA - AptiQuiz Result RJ Software
667 .AQC - AquaChem Database Schlumberger Limited
668 .AQF - Aquifer-Generated Web Page Liquid Development, LLP
669 .AQL - AOL DLL N/A
670 .AQM - AlpineQuest GPS Hiking Map Format MOBAC
671 .AQP - Quizmaker 08 And Older Quiz Articulate Global, Inc.
672 .AQQ - AQQ Extension AQQ Sp. z o.o.
673 .AQT - AQTitle Subtitles Format N/A
674 .AQZ - Amateur Radio Questionary Data N/A
675 .AR - Linux/Unix Command Library Format N/A
676 .AR-WMP - BrainVoyager QX Anatomical-resolution Volume Map Rainer Goebel
677 .ARA - Archivaldo Resource Archive LittleApps
678 .ARB - Alphacam Router VB Macro Planit Solutions Inc.
679 .ARBVP1 - Google Earth Shader Google Inc.
680 .ARC - ARC Lossless Data Compression And Archive Format Ivan Zahariev
681 .ARCH00 - F.E.A.R. Game Archive Format Sierra
682 .ARCH01 - F.E.A.R. 2 Game Monolith Productions, Inc.
683 .ARCHCFG - F.E.A.R. 2 Project Origin Configuration Monolith Productions, Inc.
684 .ARCHITECT - Soundweb London Design BSS Audio
685 .ARCHIVER - Incredible Bee Archiver Archive Incredible Bee
686 .ARCINFO - ArcInfo Info Esri
687 .ARCUT - Adobe Prelude Rough Cut Format Adobe Systems
688 .ARD - ArtiosCAD Workspace Format Esko
689 .ARE - BioWare Aurora Engine Area BioWare
690 .ARENA - Quake 3 Id Tech 3 Game Engine Arena Settings Format id Software
691 .ARF - WebEx Advanced Recording Format WebEx Communicatons
692 .ARFF - Weka Attribute-relation Format University of Waikato
693 .ARG - AutoCAD Profile Export Format Autodesk
694 .ARGO - ArgoUML Project
695 .ARH - El Airplane Game Archive Format Alawar Entertainment
696 .ARI - ARRI Raw Image Format ARRI Group
697 .ARIA - Chipsounds Audio Format Plogue
698 .ARIAX - Chipsounds XML Sound Format Plogue
699 .ARJ - ARJ Compressed Archive Format ARJ Software
700 .ARK - ARC File Archiver CPM/Port Archive Format ARK11
701 .ARL - AOL Organizer Format AOL
702 .ARLC - Commandos 2 Men Of Courage Game Eidos Interactive Ltd.
703 .ARM - MySQL Archive Storage Engine Metadata Oracle Corporation
704 .ARMA2OAPROFILE - ArmA 2 Settings Bohemia Interactive
705 .ARMA2PROFILE - ARMA2 Profile Bohemia Interactive
706 .ARMX - ASP.NET Source Microsoft Corporation
707 .ARMY - Impossible Creatures Collection Of Created Creatures Microsoft Studios
708 .ARN - Astronomical Research Network Image Format N/A
709 .ARO - SteelArrow Script Format Tomahawk Technologies
710 .ARP - Alphacam Router Post Format Redbana
711 .ARPACK - ArtRage Package Ambient Design
712 .ARPI - Adobe Extension N/A
713 .ARQ - BSM Action Request System Client Macro BMC Software, Inc.
714 .ARR - Advanced RAR Password Recovery Project Format Elcomsoft
715 .ARS - Adobe After Effects Render Settings Format Adobe Systems
716 .ARSC - Google Android Resource Format Google
717 .ARSCRIPT - ArtRage Script Ambient Design
718 .ART - Bernina Artista Embroidery Format Bernina
719 .ART42 - V1.x Explorations Projects N/A
720 .ART50 - BERNINA V5.0 Embroidery Software Designs BERNINA International AG
721 .ART6 - Articulate Presenter Compressed Articulate Global, Inc.
722 .ART60 - BERNINA V6.0 Embroidery Software Designs BERNINA International AG
723 .ARTB - Artboard Vector Drawing Format Mapdiva
724 .ARTF - Adobe FreeHand Xtra Adobe Systems Incorporated
725 .ARTPROJ - Artifacts Project Format Versioned
726 .ARTWORK - ArtStudio Image Format DrawingHand
727 .ARTX - Artisteer Project Extensoft, Inc.
728 .ARTZ - Adobe Illustrator For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
729 .ARU - Autorun.aru Malicious N/A
730 .ARV - Microsoft Autoroute User Information Microsoft Corporation
731 .ARW - Sony Digital Camera RAW Image Format Sony
732 .ARX - AutoCAD Runtime Extension Format Autodesk
734 .ARY - SmartStart Scripting Toolkit Hewlett-Packard Company
735 .ARZ - MySQL Archive Storage Engine Data Oracle Corporation
736 .AS - Adobe Flash ActionScript Document Adobe Systems
737 .AS$ - Microsoft Word Temporary Microsoft Corporation
738 .AS2 - ACTIVstudio Resource Promethean World plc
739 .AS2PROJ - FlashDevelop Project Format FlashDevelop
740 .AS3A - ActivInspire Resource Promethean World plc
741 .AS3PROJ - FlashDevelop ActionScript 3 Project Format FlashDevelop
742 .AS4 - AskSam Backup Format askSam Systems
743 .AS4A - ActivInspire Resource Pack Promethean World plc
744 .AS? - LoseThos Assembly Source Terry A. Davis
745 .ASA - Active Server Configuration Format N/A
746 .ASAT - Assemble SAT 3D Model Format N/A
747 .ASAX - ASP.NET Application Optional Source Format Microsoft
748 .ASB - Alphacam Stone VB Macro Format Planit
749 .ASBX - Microsoft ASP.Net BridgeHandler Microsoft Corporation
750 .ASC - ASCII Text Characters Format N/A
751 .ASCII - ASCII Text Characters Format N/A
752 .ASCM - Adobe Content Server Message Adobe Systems Incorporated
753 .ASCS - Adobe Device Central Format Adobe Systems
754 .ASCX - Active Server Pages Web User Control Format Microsoft
755 .ASD - Microsoft Word Auto-save Document Format Microsoft
756 .ASDB - Asphyre Sphinx Archive Afterwarp Development
757 .ASDVDCRTPROJ - Aimersoft DVD Creator Project Aimersoft Studio
758 .ASE - Adobe Swatch Exchange Format Adobe Systems
759 .ASEC - Google Android Encrypted Application Package Format Google
760 .ASEF - Adobe Swatch Exchange Adobe Systems Incorporated
761 .ASEP - Separator For Mac Milk Farm Software, ltd.
762 .ASF - Advanced Systems (streaming) Format Microsoft
763 .ASG - Airport Tycoon Saved Game Global Star Software
764 .ASGP - HP-UX NIS Maps Configuration Hewlett-Packard Company
765 .ASH - Audiosurf Audio Metadata Format Audiosurf
766 .ASHBAK - Ashampoo Burning Studio Backup Archive Format Ashampoo
767 .ASHDISC - Ashampoo Disk Image Format Ashampoo
768 .ASHLANG - Ashampoo Media Player+ Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
769 .ASHPRJ - Ashampoo Burning Studio Project Format Ashampoo
770 .ASHX - ASP.NET Web Handler Format Microsoft
771 .ASI - Alpha Five Storage Format Alpha Software
772 .ASIC - ASIC Source N/A
773 .ASIS - Apache As Is Apache Software Foundation
774 .ASK - AskSam Database Format askSam Systems
775 .ASL - Adobe Photoshop Layer Style Format Adobe Systems
776 .ASM - Assembler Source Code Format N/A
777 .ASMDOT - SolidWorks Assembly Template SolidWorks Corporation
778 .ASMPRP - SolidWorks Assembly Custom Properties Tab Template SolidWorks Corporation
779 .ASMX - Active Server Plus Web Services Source Format Microsoft
780 .ASN - GameSpy Arcade Skin IGN Entertainment, Inc.
781 .ASND - Adobe Soundbooth Sound Document Format Adobe Systems
782 .ASO - Sage Accpac Simply ASO Import The Sage Group plc
783 .ASP - Active Server Page Script Page Microsoft
784 .ASP+ - ASP.NET ASP+ Microsoft Corporation
785 .ASPR - ASProtect Related ASPACK SOFTWARE
786 .ASPROJ - Microsoft Visual Studio Analysis Services Project Microsoft Corporation
787 .ASPX - Active Server Page Extended ASP.NET Script Format Microsoft
788 .ASR - Adobe Photoshop Scratch Area Format Adobe Systems
789 .ASRP - Arc Standard Raster Product N/A
790 .ASS - Advanced SubStation Alpha Subtitle Format N/A
791 .ASSET - Unity Asset Format Unity Technologies
792 .ASSISTANT - HP Printer Utility For Mac Assistant Plugin Hewlett-Packard Company
793 .ASSOC - Associate This Association Database Spearit Software, Inc.
794 .ASSTRM - Splinter Cell Blacklist Game Data Ubisoft Entertainment S.A.
795 .AST - Adobe Photoshop Colour Separation Table Adobe Systems
796 .AST2 - Astrotite Fantiusen Software
797 .ASTX - Adobe Story Exported Script Adobe Systems Incorporated
798 .ASU - ToolBook Package Definition SumTotal Systems, Inc.
799 .ASV - Adobe Photoshop Selective Colour Format Adobe Systems
800 .ASVF - Asphyre Sphinx Archive Afterwarp Development
801 .ASW - ACDSee Slideshow Wizard Format ACD Systems
802 .ASWCS - Avast! Antivirus Skin AVAST Software
803 .ASWS - Avast! Antivirus Skin AVAST Software
804 .ASX - Microsoft Advanced Streaming Redirector Format Microsoft
805 .ASXML - XML Music Playlist N/A
806 .ASY - LTspice IV Circuit Diagram Format Asymptote
807 .ASZ - LoseThos Assembly Source Terry A. Davis
808 .AS_ - Winhelp Compressed Microsoft Corporation
809 .AT3 - Airport Tycoon 3 Saved Game Sony
810 .AT5 - Lowrance Chart Format Lowrance
811 .AT65 - Adobe PageMaker For Mac Adobe Systems Incorporated
812 .ATA - Antenna Project Julian Spencer
813 .ATAHD - Puppy Linux ATA Hard Drive Flag Format Puppy Linux
814 .ATAK - Soundscape Audio-Take N/A
815 .ATB - AnetHelp Tools Anet
816 .ATC - AutoCAD Catalog Format Autodesk
817 .ATD - Microsoft Systems Management Server Microsoft Corporation
818 .ATE - Microsoft Office Accounting Compressed Backup Format Microsoft
819 .ATF - Adobe Photoshop Transfer Function Format Molecular Devices
820 .ATH - Alphacam Lathe Thread Format Dell
821 .ATHEME - Amazing Clock Theme
822 .ATI - Microsoft Office Accounting Updated Company Format Microsoft
823 .ATK - Andrew Toolkit Raster Object N/A
824 .ATL - Artlantis 3D Scene Format Abvent Group
825 .ATLAS - Stronghold 3 Editor Firefly Studios Ltd.
826 .ATLG - SlimBrowser Auto Login FlashPeak Inc.
827 .ATLOC - Apple Mac OS X Finder Apple, Inc.
828 .ATM - Vue 3D Environment Format E-on Software
829 .ATMC - Adobe Type Manager Adobe Systems Incorporated
830 .ATMN - Automation Anywhere Macro Tethys Solutions, LLC.
831 .ATMSPHR - TerraGen Latmoshpere Andscape Render Planetside Software
832 .ATN - Adobe Photoshop Actions Settings Format Adobe Systems
833 .ATO - ATO Modeler Project E2S nv
834 .ATOM - Atom Web Feed Format N/A
835 .ATOMS - Ribbons Atoms M.Carson
836 .ATP - Alphacam Lathe Post Planit Solutions Inc.
837 .ATPZ - Automise Compressed Project VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd
838 .ATR - Atari 8-bit Disk Image Atari
839 .ATRAC - Sony ATRAC Audio Format Sony
840 .ATS - Advanced ETL Processor Transformation Script Format DB Software Laboratory
841 .ATT - Web Form Data Format N/A
842 .ATTR - Apple IPhoto Image Attributes Apple
843 .ATTX - Cadence Atribut Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
844 .ATV - ACT! The Sage Group plc
845 .ATX - Animation Master Plugin Format ESRI
846 .ATY - Association Type Placeholder G&A M.C.
847 .ATZ - Aston Compiled Theme Gladiators Software
848 .ATZ3 - Automise VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd
849 .AU - Unix Audio Sound File Format N/A
850 .AU3 - AutoIt V3 Script Format AutoIt
851 .AU? - LoseThos Autofile Terry A. Davis
852 .AUC - AUC Database
853 .AUD - Westwood Studios Audio Format N/A
854 .AUDIBLEPREFS - Audible Preference Audible, Inc.
855 .AUDIONOTE - AudioNote Luminant Software, Inc
856 .AUF - Alphacam User Font Planit Solutions Inc.
857 .AUG - Red Hat Linux Shellvars N/A
858 .AUI - AGE3D UI Editor Color Table AGE SOLUTIONS
859 .AUM - Adobe Update Manager Data Adobe Systems Incorporated
860 .AUP - Audacity Project Format Audacity
861 .AUPRESET - Apple Logic Studio Preset Apple, Inc.
862 .AUR - AutoREALM Map Andrew Gryc
863 .AURX - AutoREALM Project Andrew Gryc
864 .AUS - AutoREALM Symbols Andrew Gryc
865 .AUT - AutoIt Pre V3 Script Format Jonathan Bennett
866 .AUTH - ShopSite Store Authorization ShopSite, Inc.
867 .AUTOCONF - Autoconfiguration The Open Group
868 .AUTOMATICDESTINATIONS-MS - Microsoft Windows 7 Jump List Format Microsoft
869 .AUTOPLAY - AutoPlay Media Studio Project Format Indigo Rose
870 .AUTOREG - Mozilla Application Suite Auto Registration Clue N/A
871 .AUX - TeX/LaTeX Auxiliary References Format N/A
872 .AUZ - Ableton Authorization Format Ableton
873 .AV - Final Draft AV Document Final Draft, Inc.
874 .AVA - AvaaBook EBook AvaaBook
875 .AVASTCONFIG - Avast Configuration AVAST Software a.s.
876 .AVASTLIC - Avast! License Format AVAST Software
877 .AVASTSOUNDS - Avast! Soundpack Format AVAST Software
878 .AVATAR - Google Talk Avatar Format Google
879 .AVB - Avid Binary Image Format Avid
880 .AVC - MPEG-4 AVC Advanced Video Coding Movie Format N/A
881 .AVCHD - High Definition Video Format Sony, Panasonic
882 .AVD - MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Video Data Format MAGIX
883 .AVE - Avid User Format Avid Technology
884 .AVENIRPROJ - StoryMill Project Format Mariner Software
885 .AVERY - Avery Design & Print Online Label Format Avery Dennison
886 .AVF - Video Information N/A
887 .AVG - AVG Antivirus Virus Database AVG Technologies (Grisoft)
888 .AVGDX - AVG Diagnostic Format AVG Technologies
889 .AVHD - Microsoft Hyper-V Differencing Disk Format Microsoft
890 .AVI - Audio Video Interleave Movie Format Microsoft
891 .AVJ - Avira Anti-Vir Job Format Avira Operations
892 .AVL - ArcView Legend Template Format ESRI
893 .AVM - AVG Incremental Persistent AVG Technologies (Grisoft)
894 .AVN - AltaVENTE Application User Notes altaVENTE
895 .AVP - Avid Project Format Avid Technology
896 .AVR - Audio Visual Research Sound Format N/A
897 .AVS - Stardent AVS X Bitmap Image Format AviSynth
898 .AVSI - Avisynth Script Ben Rudiak-Gould and all subsequent developers
899 .AVST - VirtualDub Template Avery Lee
900 .AVT - Savy Soda Avatar For IPhone Avatar Savy Soda
901 .AVV - Avid Media Composer Volume Bin Format Avid Technology
902 .AVW - AnalyzeAVW Image Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
903 .AVX - ArcView Extension Plugin Format ESRI
904 .AVZ - AviSys Backup Jerry Blinn
905 .AW - Answer Wizard Format Microsoft
906 .AWA - ActiveWords ActiveWord Systems, Inc.
907 .AWB - Adaptive Multi-rate Wideband ACELP Codec Audio Format N/A
908 .AWBS - Data Storage Engineering Directorate
909 .AWC - Emulex AWC Firmware Update Format Emulex
910 .AWCAV - ActiveWorlds Browser User Avatar Format ActiveWorlds
911 .AWD - Microsoft Fax Document Microsoft
912 .AWDB - Microsoft Works For Mac Database Format ISS Data Security
913 .AWE - Adobe Acrobat Bookmark XML Adobe Systems Incorporated
914 .AWF - Adobe WorkFlow Workgroup Plugin Adobe Systems Incorporated
915 .AWG - Activeworlds Object Group Format Activeworlds
916 .AWH - ActiveWorlds Browser Help ActiveWord Systems, Inc.
917 .AWI - AIM Widget Package America Online, Inc.
918 .AWK - AWK Programming Language Script Format Free Software Foundation
919 .AWKW - Awkwords Word Generator Format Awkwords
920 .AWL - Ad-Aware Language Lavasoft
921 .AWLIVE - Active WebCam Live Capture Format PY Software
922 .AWM - Likno AllWebMenus Format Likno Software
923 .AWP - Ability Write Document Template Format Ability Plus Software
924 .AWR - Ad-Aware Reference Lavasoft
925 .AWS - Ability Spreadsheet Spredsheet Format Ability Plus Software
926 .AWSHORTCUT - ActiveWords Shortcut ActiveWord Systems, Inc.
927 .AWSS - Microsoft Works For Mac Spreadsheet N/A
928 .AWT - AbiWord Template Document Format AbiSource
929 .AWW - Ability Write Document Format Ability Plus Software
930 .AWWP - Microsoft Works For Mac Document N/A
931 .AWX - Microsoft DirectX Microsoft Corporation
932 .AWZIP - ActiveWords Compressed Solution ActiveWord Systems, Inc.
933 .AX - DirectShow Filter Format N/A
934 .AX3 - Apex Sketch APEX SOFTWARE
935 .AXA - Annodex Digital Media Format N/A
936 .AXD - ASP.NET Web Handler Format Microsoft
937 .AXE - Microsoft Autoroute Map Format Microsoft
938 .AXF - ARM Executable Format N/A
939 .AXG - Microsoft AutoRoute Trip Microsoft Corporation
940 .AXL - XML Project N/A
941 .AXM - Axmedis Object AXMEDIS
942 .AXP - CDBurnerXP Audio Compilation Format Canneverbe
943 .AXQ - Edit Rocket Ada Editor Richardson Software, LLC
944 .AXR - ElcomSoft Adcanced Archive Password Recovery ElcomSoft Co. Ltd.
945 .AXS - ActiveX Script N/A
946 .AXT - Adobe Photoshop Replace Color Range Format Adobe Systems
947 .AXV - Annodex Digital Media Format N/A
948 .AXW - Analyzer StateForms Actix International Limited
949 .AXX - AxCryot Encrypted Format Axantum Software
950 .AY - Project Format N/A
951 .AZ - WinDVD Related Corel Corporation
952 .AZ! - Vuze Partial Download Format Vuze
953 .AZA - QazaR Archive Compressed N/A
954 .AZD - Amazon Software Download, Inc.
955 .AZF - Secure Format AirZip
956 .AZP - Close Combat Effect Atomic Games, Inc.
957 .AZS - Secure Format AirZip
958 .AZW - Amazon Kindle EBook Format Amazon
959 .AZW1 - Amazon Kindle Topaz E-book Format Amazon
960 .AZW2 - Amazon Kindle Program Format Amazon
961 .AZW3 - Amazon Kindle EBook Format Amazon
962 .AZW3F - Amazon Kindle Metadata N/A
963 .AZW3R - Amazon Kindle Metadata N/A
964 .AZW4 - Amazon Kindle Print Replica Ebook Format Amazon
965 .AZZ - AZZ Cardfile Information Card Format Antanas Zdramys
966 .AZZX - Uncompressed AZZ Cardfile Data Format Antanas Zdramys